
Enhanced 2×07—Faith SceneAnonymous said:Can you upload the scene from 2×07 where Claire gives Faith to Louise. That scene is so heartbreaking 💔Anonymous said:Hi I love your videos!! Can you please enhance the 2 scenes in the episode “Faith” in season 2 when Claire tells Jamie that she hated him at the end while we watch her hold her stillborn? And the scene at the end when they’re at Faith’s grave. Those are some of my favorite scenes. :)Anonymous said:Hello girl! I saw someone reblogged the final scene from Faith but it wasn’t the whole thing, I think it was actually about 7 minutes long? I still think it was a crime not to show it. I remember Sam praised Cait for her incredible work in that scene but I think he did pretty good too. I know you posted many times some short videos about it but I was wondering if you had the whole 7 mins sequence, I’m pretty sure someone posted it right after the DVD with the special features came out.This is the full 15-minute extended final scene from the Season 2 DVD. The last Anon was sent a long long while ago, but unfortunately I forgot about it. However, I had to re-read a hate Anon someone sent to me as I scrolled down to it, so I believe that is sufficient penance for this oversight. What can I say? Sometimes I check Tumblr when I’m drunk.